Is a palm a tree?

If your answer was Yes.
Well, the answer is No.

Palms in their anatomy are Monocots.

And you will be surprised to know that palms have more in common with grass according to their anatomical structure.

Have no vascular cambium. Tissue extends upward as trunk increases in height.

Trees are dicots.

Have vascular cambium which produces xylem to inside and phloem to outside.


Trees and palms are a gift of Nature, and since trees and palms last for years, it’s easy to think that they don’t need a lot of care.
Did you know that…?
They are constantly exposed to extreme weather conditions, invasive insects, diseases and poor cultural practices by humans.
Unfortunately palms and trees cannot be moved by itself; They only have one option, to be strong and survive in the place where they are or eventually die.
Like you, the health of your trees is important to us!!!.
Tree removal can be dangerous task if not done right. Not to mention, it can also cause property damage if a tree is headed in the wrong direction while being felled.
And here the importance of hire a committed tree care company to ensure your trees are well cared for, and the work is done safely and professionally.
A licensed tree company has met certain requirements and standards, including insurance coverage and adherence to industry best practices.
At ride Mow Cowboys, we offer affordable tree trimming and removal services.
We are licensed and insured.
Your satisfaction and peace of mind are the guidelines of our business.


Red Mangrove
Black Mangrove
White Mangrove
Buttonwood Mangrove

The territory of the State of Florida is surrounded by the ocean in the vast majority of its extension, for this reason it is very common to find these amazing trees called Mangroves.

But….. What is a Mangrove…..?

Mangroves are a water resistant trees, and play a critical role in reduce flood damage by storing rainwater when it rises and releasing it slowly over time. They help stabilize Florida’s coastal ecosystem and reduce erosion.

Wetlands are invaluable in keeping as filters for contaminants, not to mention that the filtration capacity of carbon dioxide to oxygen through photosynthesis is greater than other tree species.

There are four species of mangroves that you can find in Florida and they will be mentioned below.

Red Mangrove also know as the walking tree, is the tree that will be in direct contact whit the water. From there fallows the Black Mangrove, which has the characteristic of secreting salt through the lower part of its leaf, in addition to being surrounded by pneumatophores and it could be said that it is located on the second level from water to ground. On the third level is the White Mangrove and a little further from the water is Buttonwood Mangrove.

Florida contain three native wetland species of mangroves that are protected by the “Mangrove Trimming and Preservation Act” of 1996, which regulates the cutting and conservation of mangroves.

This law applies to cutting and alteration of the Red Mangrove, Black Mangrove and White Mangrove.

This species are covered by this law, whether they are alive or dead. It is important understand that both, the owner of the land and the contracted person are responsible for the proper cutting of the mangroves.


The care and maintenance of our trees is our responsibility. There are many benefits to managing your tree. These practices help to strengthen the structure and vigor the trees, regardless of the stage of the life cycle in which it is found, but it is important to highlight that at an early age there are better results in its development. These practices help strengthen the structure and vigor of the tree.

Some practices that help maintain the health, appearance and safety of trees are.

.-Elimination of branches that rub against each other.

.- Elimination of branches that interfere with utility cables, building facades, gutters, roofs, chimneys, windows or that obstruct streets or sidewalks.

.- Elimination of dead or weak branches that represent a risk or my begin  to rot.

.- Elimination of irreversibly diseased branches or infested with insects.

.- Improved tree structure to decrease wind resistance and the potential for storm damage.

.-Elimination of branches damaged by adverse weather conditions.

.-Thinning or cutting of unnecessary branches.

.- Improvement of the shape or silhouette of the tree.

Although the takedown is considered a last resort, there are circumstances in which it is necessary to avoid risks and further damage, for example:

.- Storms can cause the weakening of branches or entire trees, if we add to this equation that the tree presents signs of extreme decay (it`s dying), if we also add to the equation that it has weak joints or carriers extra weight like Spanish moss. The result of the equation will often be  an unintended result, because that tree could fall on houses, cars, other structures or other trees.

Trees damaged during storms can pose a high degree of danger, because they can be very heavy. “TREE FELLING IS A DANGEROUS ACTIVITY” But the removal of a dead or fallen tree without human intervention is even more so. Due to the fact that we have to work with dynamic forces in which we do not have absolute control over them. That is why. I invite you to help your tree and, if necessary, implement the necessary maintenance.

Before you sign and estimate from another company . Give us a call !!!!!

Will do everything in our hands to beat any reasonably priced estimate from any other licensed and insured tree removal service or landscape company. We offer extensive range of services, from commercial to residential, palms or trees pruning and removal.
Humberto Hernandez FL-9894A
Humberto Hernández FL-9894A
Humberto Hernandez FL-9894A
Certification No. 20230113
                       Ride Mow Cowboys. Lawn, Palm & Tree Service LLC.                                                                    All Rights reserved Copyright ©   20223.